Silas Ncozana, Pastor, Chuluchosema CCAP
Fresh clean water from deep drilled wells has brought improved health as water born diseases melted away. Women who used to carry heave buckets of water for long distances now have very short distances to the communal water point.
George Saraza
My name is George Saraza. I am 14 years. Seven years ago I spent all my days begging in the streets of Zomba city. But Pastor Silas enrolled me at CCAP Primary School. I have just successfully completed grade 8 and will start my high school on September 9 this year. Without the financial support I received through the partnership, I would still be in the streets begging. I now want to be a civil engineer.
Silas Ncozana, Pastor, Chuluchosema CCAP
In 2017 a maize mill was installed for all communities to grind their corn into flour, a much-needed commodity for a staple food. In the past women walked 9 to 17 miles to a maize mill. The mill has also become a source of income in the village.
Silas Ncozana, Pastor, Chuluchosema CCAP
The building of Draper Secondary School which admits student, regardless of their religion, has improved the relationships between Muslims and Christians and education for all in the village. Students who graduate from primary school are more likely to continue their education.